Images taken with a digital camera
Most digital cameras have a setting allowing you to choose the output format. The most common formats are JPG and TIFF. Some cameras may also produce PNG image files.
With any format - larger is better. We can always reduce the size of an image with limited or no loss of quality. Making a smaller image larger will always result
in a loss of quality.
High Resolution JPG is the preferred format for electronic submission. We realize this format produces large files.
JPG Images should be at the highest quality the camera will produce (largest pixel format) such as 2400 X 1900 or higher numbers. Please do not select a compression
option for this type of file to save space. Compression in a JPG File cannot be undone.
Snapshot style images with low pixel counts will not be good enough for publication.
Downloaded web images are frequently compressed and of a quality that is fine for the web, but will not be suitable for printing.
Scanned Images.
Most scanners set the default resolution to 200 dpi, which is too low for photo reproduction. If you are scanning an image for submission please change the
resolution to 300 dpi. Some scanners will then prompt you to change it back with a note that such high resolution is not necessary. Leave it at 300 dpi.
If the option exists - the output format should be the highest quality JPG image (no compression), or a TIFF file.
Scans of Magazine or newspaper photos generally produce poor quality images with a lot of grain to them. These should be avoided unless it has some
historical value and no other image is available.
PLEASE clean the scanner glass and the photo to insure that all lint and dust are removed prior to scanning. If necessary remove the scanner glass and
used compressed air to clean the scanner head as dust will accumulate there as well - be especially careful not to touch the scanner head with your fingers!
Photoshop ImagesPhotoshop Images
If you are submitting an ad from Photoshop or another image program please compose the ad with a density of at least 300 ppi for full page ads.
Quarter and Half page ads should be submitted at 600 ppi if possible. Submissions should be in High Resolution JPG format. Full page ads are 8.5 X 11 Inches.
Half a page is 8.5 X 5.5 Inches for Horizontal and 4.75 X 11 for vertical. Quarter pages are 4.75 X 5.5 inches.
With all formats please allow a 1/2" indent from the edge for all text and images. The only thing that should be in that 1/2" space is background color/designs,
as it may be cropped to fit.
GIF images should not be submitted for photos, as they only support 256 colors.
Raw images as they are generally in a proprietary format - Should be converted to JPG using the software that came with the Camera/Scanner.
BMP images - these files are large but generally do not have good image resolution.
Hard Copies:
Printed images such as photographs, negatives, and color slides can be mailed to:
    Bill Hinchman
    3335 Ravenwood Dr.
    Augusta, GA 30907-3529
Please include return postage if you want the image(s) back. It will cost me approximately $6.00 to mail an envelope back to you. Any surplus will be returned.
Send ORIGINALS only, not copies or magazine photos.
Submitting Photos: All photo images submitted for use in the Fancier should contain a brief description of the image and names of the people/dogs featured,
the place and date taken. Please include on a seperate sheet when submitting a photo by mail. This is not necessary for advertisments.
Photos can be submitted elecronically by e-mail to: - please include image description in your e-mail body. There is a 25MB limit on file size.
If the file is larger than that please see the FTP section below.
Photos can be uploaded directly using an FTP Server. Please contact Bill Hinchman to use this function. Send an e-mail to or
telephone (706) 306-9440. You will be given an FTP address, as well as a name and password to upload the file.
If you submit in this manner which is preferable for large files, please also send an e-mail to with the details of the photo.
At a minimum: Your Name, a brief description of the image, hopefully including the names of persons / saints that are featured & the date the image was taken.
Include the image name as part of the subject line please. The above does not apply to advertisments, ony to images for use in articles.
For advertisments we only need your name and the image name.
If there are any questions concerning this process please feel free to contact me directly.
Bill Hinchman - Fancier Advertising Manager / Layout & and Graphics / Photo Archives
Cell: (706) 306-9440     E-Mail:
© 2025 - Saint Bernard Club of America